Top 5 MoveCube Activities

Flexible activities using a MoveCube that ALL students in multiple subject areas can participate in

Every teacher has the ability to use dice for different activities in an educational setting. This course is designed to give you some flexible ideas on how to use the MoveCube for different activities to get kids moving, talking and discussing, and learning the concepts being taught. These MoveCubes are 6x6 and have 6 sides with vinyl window slips on each side to offer an endless amount of activities.

Webinar Objectives

After completing this 30 minute webinar, participants will be able to...

  • Describe the importance of why children need to be physically active as part of their daily life.
  • Participants will experience activities and strategies to incorporate active movement and relationship building into the classroom using the MoveCube.

Your Instructor

Mike Smith
Mike Smith

Mike Smith, MA, received his BA in Kinesiology from the University of Northern Colorado, and his master’s degree in Sports Administration also from the University of Northern Colorado. He has 24 years in education and has taught at all levels including Higher Ed. His past experiences include being part of the Physical Education CADRE for the Colorado Department of Education and Welltrain. In addition, he has presented professional development with other organizations in the industry.He has presented over 120+ workshops on assessment, highly effective teaching, curriculum, social emotional learning, how to “set the hook” for learning, technology in physical education, active classroom and kinesthetic learning, and most recently a workshop on how to be a movement champion at your school.Mike is also a published author of journal articles for SHAPE Colorado and published a piece for the NSAA Journal on how to “Hook New Generations” of skiers and snowboarders to grow the sport.

Some highlights for Mike are that he has presented at the 2014 National SHAPE Conference in St. Louis, 2015 and 2016 National PE Institute in North Carolina, 2016 SHAPE Conference in Minneapolis, Colorado SHAPE conference numerous times,presented a webinar on the introduction of QR Codes into Physical Education, and Mike was recently awarded the 2015 Distinguished service award by SHAPE Colorado. He recently finished his 24th year of teaching and is currently an Adjunct Faculty member at the University of Northern Colorado and the Subject Matter Expert for Physical Education Health/Wellness for Sportime/School Specialty. Mike is an avid snowboarder and Mountain biker and currently resides in Colorado.

Course Curriculum

  Top 5 MoveCube Activities
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